
A list of projects I've worked on, including open source projects.

Basal Wallet (of AlphaTrue)

R: Project Leader/Smart Contract Developer

D: Account Abtraction wallet

Basal Wallet (of AlphaTrue)

Basal Stealth (of AlphaTrue)

R: Project Leader/Smart Contract Developer

D: Privacy protocol by using one-time addresses

Basal Stealth (of AlphaTrue)

Fortius (of AlphaTrue)

R: Software Engineer

D: Crypto asset management platform powered by MPC

Fortius (of AlphaTrue)

Bam Wallet (of AlphaTrue)

R: Software Engineer

D: Bam Wallet is a custodial wallet provide private blockchain solutions for businesses

Bam Wallet (of AlphaTrue)

EVM Blockchain Indexer (of AlphaTrue)

R: Software Engineer

D: A blockchain indexer for EVM compatible blockchains


PERP Multi-stratgy trading platform (of 1kk Lab)

R: Software Engineer

D: PERP Multi-stratgy trading platform

PERP Multi-stratgy trading platform (of 1kk Lab) (of Sân chơi kỹ năng sống KNS)

R: Software Engineer

D: Online learning platform for students about soft skills (of Sân chơi kỹ năng sống KNS)

E-commerce platform (of debiON)

R: Software Engineer

D: E-commerce platform for dropshipping

E-commerce platform (of debiON)

Dropship platform (of debiON)

R: Software Engineer

D: A platform for RFQs (Request for Quotations) between dropship sellers and factories

Dropship platform (of debiON)

Chat Service for Tingee (of Tingee)

R: Software Engineer

D: A chat service for Tingee, a social network powered by blockchain

Chat Service for Tingee (of Tingee)

Bitcoin wallet (of M25 Lab)

R: Software Engineer

D: Wallet supporting Bitcoin with P2PKH, Segwit, Multisig

Bitcoin wallet (of M25 Lab)

JPOP song generator (of DeepHub)

R: Intern AI Engineer

D: Deep learning model that generates JPOP song


Capy Exchange (Side Project, Graduation Thesis)

R: -

D: DEX solution based on Optimistic Rollups and Order Matching

Capy Exchange (Side Project, Graduation Thesis)

Sky segmentation and harmonious substitution in video processing (Side Project)

R: -

D: Deep learning model that segments the sky from the rest of the image and replaces it


Sign language recognition (Side project)

R: -

D: Deep learning that recognizes sign language using Leap motion and deep learning


Automatically add missing marks to sentences (Side project, CrossTech's AI course graduation project)

R: -

D: Deep learning model that automatically adds missing marks to Vietnamese sentences.


Bitcoin utils (Side Project)

R: -

D: A collection of utilities written in JS for working with Bitcoin.
